Module::Build maintenance

Eric Wilhelm on 2008-12-11T19:17:53

Today I'm going to try again to do some work on Module::Build. I have one straightforward patch to apply, one very non-straightforward patch to consider, and in the nearly 3 months since the last release there are 15 new bugs in RT.

Given that I can manage to fix one or two bugs per session and only get about one session of hacking on this per month, I can see that this is going to go permanently pear-shaped if I'm alone.


Eric Wilhelm on 2008-12-11T20:14:31

And while trying to sort through the bugdrift, is down...

Re: back

Eric Wilhelm on 2008-12-11T23:46:26

And now is back. But I'm a bit distracted by the opacity of the downtime.

Re: and dow again, but only right when I needed it

Eric Wilhelm on 2008-12-12T03:01:10

Argh! This is like having your screwdriver get up and walk away while you are trying to reassemble your hammer. If I were working on something besides Module::Build, the RT downtime would be about 0.0000000000000001 times as frustrating as this is. (And no, good hammers do not have screws in their design.)

I may have to just keep all of my trouble tickets in a sock behind the bookcase. To query a ticket, please send me a self-addressed, stamped shoe.


Eric Wilhelm on 2008-12-12T03:01:48



Eric Wilhelm on 2008-12-12T03:40:48
